Cloud Native Applications


Supporting Kubernetes with Persistent Storage

Containers deployed with Kubernetes are helping to accelerate the development and delivery of new cloud-native applications while enabling the modernization of existing ones. In cases where applications require persistent data, users must consider a resilient platform that is able to keep pace with container deployment at scale or to adjust performance dynamically based on workload requirements. While containers aren’t designed to be persistent, the data they rely on or create usually is.

That’s where NetApp Cloud Data Services come in.

NetApp cloud storage services provide a persistent, fully managed, cost effective, and secure environment for containers. These services offer flexibility for users to consume storage according to their needs, by delivering elasticity, scalable performance, and shared file access across multiple cloud providers and regions – with a fully integrated dynamic storage provisioner, Trident.

Trident is a fully supported open-source project that automates the provisioning of persistent storage for stateful applications with ease and scale allowing users to dynamically increase or decrease performance based upon workload needs.

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